Rose, from The Titanic, Kim Winslet to do another Television Drama?

The 48-year-old Oscar winner, Kim Winslet, born 5 October 1975 is an American-British actress. Worldwide known for her role as “Rose” in the movie “Titanic”. She is known for portraying strongheaded, independent females through her work. Encouraging the enthusiastic and empowered females in the society.

Yet again Kim Winslet has caught the headlights for starring In “The Regime” series as Emily.. As Kim Winslet is always known for her periodic dramas and roles, yet again she did the same with this series. As the series was released on the 3rd of March on HBO and Max, the reviews are on fire.

image source: Wikipedia

The release of The Regime on Netflix?

It is rumored that the series will only be aired on Netflix in the future other than on HBO and Max. As of now, it is not accessible on Netflix.

“The Regime” character Elena as explained by Kim Winslet,

Upon, the release of her upcoming show, Kim Winslet can be seen promoting the show on her Instagram handles and various other talk shows.

In the series, Kim Winslet plays Elena, a Chancellor who governs a British fictional city.

When posed a question about her role as Elena, she answered,

“It was easy to revert to Elena, I can turn it back on quite quickly.”

Kim Winslet loves the character so much that she bought it home with her, which her son opposed saying

“Oh! Mom please not Elena!! Ugh! I quite like doing it. Although, interestingly we just started the series of books and bedtime and the other day he did ask me to do one of the characters as Elena: a slightly scary school teacher,”

According to Kim Winslet, When she first read the script from the creator, Will Tracy, it was a new experience for her altogher as she had not done anything quite like it ever before. She expresses,

“I’d never come across a character so unique, so unusual, so sort of unimaginable and dislikable,” she says. “And I just knew, I had to make this something else. This has got to be something I’ve never done before; I’ve got to scare myself. I have to challenge myself.”

She continues “There was a lot of anxiety around how we were going to play this role.”

Kim Winslet knew Elena couldn’t be a “shrill, shouty person,” as she describes, “that’s not interesting to me. It needed to feel that there is a veneer or exterior to her that should make you feel uneasy, and shaky.”

To make her feel the experience and to be Elena, Kim Winslet knew she had to do more research about her character, she describes the character as how she thought of Elena as a person,

“When you look at her emotional and mental state, and how fragile she is and how much of a state of decline she’s in — she’s in this acute, heightened state of anxiety all of the time — that can’t be something that’s just happened to her. That clearly is something that she’s lived with for a long time, and probably tried to hide in varying degrees from her public, from her adoring followers: my people,”

“She’s tried to keep it reined in and hidden. But the sadness to me about Elena began probably as a child. She was raised by this obviously tyrannical, not very nice father; she had an absent mother. It’s all very cleverly built into those mausoleum scenes, where you really get the sense that this is a person, who had a pretty screwed-up childhood, was exposed to trauma that has stayed with her.”

image source : Wikipedia

The New Voice of Elena

According to Kim Winslet, there needs to be a new voice of Elena, as she just can’t be herself in that character. She further expresses her feelings,

“There was no way she could sound measured. My own voice and resonance sounds evolved as a person, and grounded. I do know that about my own voice, it’s healthy,” she says. “She needed to sound very unhealthy and shaky. And that had to come from an emotional place. It couldn’t be something that was funny or being used for effect. It had to be grounded in reality.”

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